My recent Trip to Wyoming
I recently flew on a trip to Wyoming to see my son Kyle. I was able To go to Yellow Stone National Park, as well as Mt.
Rushmore. Here's some of the photos I took while there.
This was truly an amazing place to see, To take in the site and know how much time and work it took to create this.
This is Kyle my son and his girlfriend Lily. He flew
me to Wyoming and took me to all these exciting places.
We both love history and to visit such an historic site was
beyond words.
This display showed a little of the construction.
This is Crazy Horse Monument and is under construction
on privately held land in the black hills in Custer county
South Dakota.
Some of the artifacts in the museum.
My son Kyle, and I
Lily and I
And this is what the monument will look like when completed.
Then we were once again on our way.
Devils Towers National Monument. It was getting dark as we arrived here.
The Legend of Devils Tower
 | The Tower (Lakota: Mato Tipila, which means “Bear Tower”) is sacred to several Native American Plains tribes, including the Lakota Sioux, Cheyenne and Kiowa. Many Native American legends have been passed down through time, but this legend seems to be the most popular.
One day, an Indian tribe was camped beside the river and seven small girls were playing at a distance. The region had a large bear population and a bear began to chase the girls. They ran back toward their village, but the bear was about to catch them. The girls jumped upon a rock about three feet high and began to pray to the rock, "Rock, take pity on us; Rock, save us." The rock heard the pleas of the young girls and began to elongate itself upwards, pushing them higher and higher out of reach of the bear. The bear clawed and jumped at the sides of the rock, and broke its claws and fell to the ground. The bear continued to jump at the rock until the girls were pushed up into the sky, where they are to this day in a group of seven little stars (the Pleiades). The marks of the bear claws are there yet. As one looks
upon the tower and contemplates its uniqueness, it isn't hard to imagine this legend as fact. |

Everything was closing up but, we took a few shots from the camera.
While here we ran across some Bison Commonly known as the American Buffalo.
It was a very good day.