Thursday, November 10, 2011


We woke up this morning to find a young buck and doe out in our corn. But by the time my hubby got the camera and I through a coat on over my pj's and got my feet in shoes they move to the field.

we stood and watch for a while. There is just something about the beauty of wild life that makes me feel so awe struck, a part of something much larger.
After a while we went back inside and watched from our big bay window.

They started running across the field and then back looping back and forth it was hard to tell if something spooked them or perhaps a playful game. then one disappeared for a bit, and you could see the other one waiting. Then the doe sprang into sight and off they went.

We find their tracks in the wet earth from time to time. I think they eat out of the garden most nights. But we sure do enjoy seeing them. Can you see Two deer in this picture?

Facts about Deer

Interesting facts and information about the Deer
Facts About...

Facts & Info About Deer
Increase your knowledge of Facts about the Deer with some brief, but essential information & fast facts about this popular animal. Important facts, data and info containing details of the description, name origins and habitat of Deer. Details of the size, height and weight. Where they live and what they eat! Discover what their lives are like! A mixture of Factual information together with cool, fun, strange, amazing, weird and even funny facts about Deer. A detailed Fact Sheet covering a whole host of topics and Deer facts! Have Fun!
Facts about
Deer !

Description of Deer

The Deer is described as the collective name for Artiodactyl ruminant mammals of the family Cervidae. Ruminant animals are even-toed, cud-chewing, hoofed, usually horned mammals which have a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments. Deer are characterised by having deciduous antlers which are borne chiefly by the males. Examples of ruminant mammals are cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and giraffes. The deer family also includes the Elk, Moose, Caribou, and Reindeer.
The origins of the name come from the Middle English word 'der' meaning beast and from the Old English word 'dor'.
Understanding Scientific names of animalsThe scientists who study animals (zoology) are called zoologists. Each animal that is studied is classified, that is, split into descriptive groups starting with main groups ( vertebrates and invertebrates ) the Families of animals are also included such as Ursidae ( the family of bears) and the families are then split into species such as Ursus americanus (American Black Bear)
Species of Deer
There are thirty-eight different species of Deer. The deer family also includes the elk, moose, caribou, and reindeer. The most common deer of America belong to the genus Odocoileus.
  • Odocoileus virginianus - The white-tailed deer, or Viirginian Deer
  • Odocoileus columbianus - The black-tailed deer
  • Odocoileus hemionus - The mule deer
  • Alces alces - The moose
  • Cervus elaphus - The Red Deer or the Elk
Red Deer Stag
Facts about where Deer live and what they eat!
Deer are native to North and South America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa
The common habitat of the deervaries from open land, woodland, swamps and mountains
The diet of Deer consist of grass, plants, bushes and saplings

Basic Facts about Deer

The name of a male deer is referred to as a stag or a buck
The name of a female deer is referred to as a doe or hind
The name or offspring, or a baby Deer, is a fawn or yearling
The average size of a litter is one or two fawns
The collective name for a group of Deer is a herd
The sound made by a Deer is referred to as a bellow

1 comment:

  1. We have a lot of deer here too.

    They certainly are beautiful animals.
    We just have to keep them away from the trees, or else they use the trunks for scratching posts for their antlers. Good for the deer.....not good at all for the trees :)

    Have a great weekend!
